Wednesday 17 October 2012

Govt to let Cubans travel freely - - Tulsa, OK - News ...

Associated Press

HAVANA (AP) - The Cuban government announced Tuesday that it will eliminate a half-century-old restriction that requires citizens to get an exit visa to leave the country.

The decree that takes effect Jan. 14 will eliminate a much-loathed bureaucratic procedure that has kept many Cubans from traveling or moving abroad.

"These measures are truly substantial and profound," said Col. Lamberto Fraga, Cuba's deputy chief of immigration, at a morning news conference. "What we are doing is not just cosmetic."

Under the new measure announced in the Communist Party daily Granma, islanders will only have to show their passport and a visa from the country they are traveling to.

It is the most significant advance this year in President Raul Castro's five-year plan of reforms that has already seen the legalization of home and car sales and a big increase in the number of Cubans owning private businesses.

Migration is a highly politicized issue in Cuba and beyond its borders.

Under the "wet foot, dry foot" policy, the United States allows nearly all Cubans who reach its territory to remain. Granma published an editorial blaming the travel restrictions imposed in 1961 on U.S. attempts to topple the island's government, plant spies and recruit its best-educated citizens.

"It is because of this that any analysis of Cuba's problematic migration inevitably passes through the policy of hostility that the U.S. government has developed against the country for more than 50 years," the editorial said.

It assured Cubans that the government recognizes their right to travel abroad and said the new measure is part of "an irreversible process of normalization of relations between emigrants and their homeland."

The decree still imposes limits on travel by many Cubans. People cannot obtain a passport or travel abroad without permission if they face criminal charges, if the trip affects national security or if their departure would affect efforts to keep qualified labor in the country.

Doctors, scientists, members of the military and others considered valuable parts of society currently face restrictions on travel to combat brain drain.

"The update to the migratory policy takes into account the right of the revolutionary State to defend itself from the interventionist and subversive plans of the U.S. government and its allies," the newspaper said. "Therefore, measures will remain to preserve the human capital created by the Revolution in the face of the theft of talent applied by the powerful."

On the streets of Havana, the news was met with a mixture of delight and astonishment. Officials over the years often spoke of their desire to lift the exit visa, but talk failed to turn into concrete change.

"No! Wow, how great!" said Mercedes Delgado, a 73-year-old retiree when told of the news that was announced overnight. "Citizens' rights are being restored."

"Look, I ask myself how far are we going to go with these changes. They have me a little confused because now all that was done during 50 years, it turns out we're changing it," said Maria Romero, a cleaning worker who was headed to her job Tuesday morning. "Everything they told us then, it wasn't true. I tell you, I don't understand anything."

Cuba-born U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen referred to the measure as "so-called reforms" that are "nothing more than Raul Castro's desperate attempts to fool the world into thinking that Cuba is changing.

"But anyone who knows anything about the communist 53- year-old Castro dictatorship knows that Cuba will only be free when the Castro family and its lackeys are no longer on the scene," the South Florida Republican said.

The Cuban government's decision to eliminate exit visas won't mean that Cubans can just get on a plane to the United States.

Kathleen Campbell Walker, an immigration lawyer in El Paso, Texas, said Cubans who fly to the United States are still required to get a State Department-issued visa. Homeland Security officials who review passenger lists for U.S.-bound flights are likely to order an airline to deny boarding to anyone who doesn't have that permission.

Cubans who do make it to the U.S., regardless of whether or not they have a visa, are generally admitted to the country.

"Our own visa requirements remain unchanged," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters Tuesday.

"We obviously welcome any reforms that'll allow Cubans to depart from and return to their country freely," said Nuland. "We remain committed to the migration accords under which our two countries support and promote safe, legal and orderly migration."

Under those 1994 accords between the two countries, Washington has encouraged Havana to take steps to prevent any future mass exodus.

Tomas Bilbao, executive director of the Washington-based Cuba Study Group, said he is cautiously optimistic that the move will reduce the isolation of the Cuban people and increase interaction between the U.S. and Cuban civil society.

"The important story is the Cuban government has taken a step that has long been demanded by the Cuban people," he said.

Omar Lopez, human rights director of the Miami-based Cuban American National Foundation, welcomed the elimination of the exit visas, but said it remained unclear whether the change will allow more Cubans to get passports.

"Now, Cubans don't have to pay and get a permit from Cuba to go as a tourist or a visitor, but they say that in order to get a passport you have to comply with some requirements of the law," Lopez said.

Dissident Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez expressed concern that officials might now control travel merely by denying passports.

Cuba has on occasion denied exit visas to government detractors when they sought to travel abroad, and Sanchez she has been turned down 20 times over the last five years.

"I have the suitcase ready to travel. ... Let's see if I get a flight for Jan. 14, 2013, to try out the new law.

The move eliminates a restriction in place since 1961, the height of the Cold War, requiring Cubans to get approval from their government for permission to leave their own country.

Cubans now will also not have to present the long-required letter of invitation from a foreign institution or person in the country they plan to visit.

The measure also extends to 24 months the amount of time Cubans can remain abroad, and they can request an extension when that runs out. Currently, Cubans lose residency and other rights including social security and free health care and education after 11 months.

Granma's editorial said the measure will help address the needs of the Cuban diaspora.

More than 1 million people of Cuban origin live in the United States, and thousands more are in Europe.


Associated Press writers Anne-Marie Garcia in Havana, Alicia A. Caldwell in Washington and Jennifer Kay in Miami contributed to this report.


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Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Beyonce shows game face amid Super Bowl talk

By Courtney Hazlett, TODAY

Update, 5:30 p.m. ET: Super Bowl organizers confirmed the news that Beyonce will perform at the game's halftime show via Twitter.

Original article: If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the photo Beyonce just posted on her Tumblr seems to say in a fraction of that allotment that yes,?she is performing in the Super Bowl halftime show as widely speculated. Late Tuesday afternoon the singer posted a close-up photo of herself sporting eyeblack etched with the date Feb. 3, 2013 -- the same date as Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans.

Beyonce / Tumblr

A screengrab of an image on Beyonce's Tumblr page.

Earlier Tuesday, the The Associated Press, citing a source "familiar with Super Bowl XLVII," reported first that the Grammy winner would be the one taking the stage at the game's halftime show, and that the official announcement was expected to be made on Wednesday. ?

Beyonce slideshow

This wouldn't be Beyonce's first Super Bowl appearance; she sang the national anthem at Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004 in her hometown of Houston.?

Beyonce, 31, would be one of the younger entertainers to perform at the game's halftime show, however. The average age, counting 2012's halftime performer Madonna, is 54.8 years old.

Is Beyonce a good choice for the halftime show? Tell us on Facebook!?

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Monday 15 October 2012

Tunisia ruling coalition agrees to hold elections next June

TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia's ruling coalition, led by the Islamic Ennahda Movement, said early on Sunday it had agreed to hold presidential and parliamentary elections on June 23 with the president being chosen directly by voters.

The coalition's agreement on a date for elections and the establishment of an amended parliamentary system come after widespread criticism from the opposition that Ennahda wants to control the government and avoid elections.

The Islamic Ennahda Movement won the country's first free elections last October following the Tunisia's revolution, which set off last year's "Arab Spring" uprisings. The movement heads a government that also includes two secular parties, the Congress for the Republic and the Ettakatol.

The ruling coalition said in a statement sent to Reuters that an agreement had been reached setting "June 23, 2013, as the date for legislative and presidential elections," with a presidential runoff scheduled for July 7.

"We agreed on the choice of a mixed political system where the election of the president of the republic will be directly by the people ... The political system will ensure a balance between authorities and in the executive authorities," the statement said.

The agreement must be approved by the Constituent Assembly, where the ruling coalition has a majority of the 217 seats.

The agreement will help speed the drafting of a constitution. The form of political system was a big contrast between Ennahda, which called for the parliamentary system, and the rest of the parties, which called for a dual political system.

The amended parliamentary system will have powers balanced by between the parliament and the president.

The announcement of a date for elections may dispel doubts of Tunisia's partners in the West and foreign investors who wish to enter the Tunisian market.

The Constituent Assembly elected Moncef Marzouki president in December 2011 to follow Zine el Abidine, who was ousted as president in January 2011 after weeks of protests. Those protests inspired the wave of "Arab Spring" uprisings that spread across the Middle East and North Africa.

(Editing by Peter Cooney and Bill Trott)


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Sunday 14 October 2012

Shuttle inches toward retirement home at LA museum

The space shuttle Endeavour is slowly moved down Crenshaw Blvd., Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012, in Los Angeles. The shuttle is on its last mission ? a 12-mile creep through city streets. It will move past an eclectic mix of strip malls, mom-and-pop shops, tidy lawns and faded apartment buildings. Its final destination: California Science Center in South Los Angeles where it will be put on display. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

The space shuttle Endeavour is slowly moved down Crenshaw Blvd., Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012, in Los Angeles. The shuttle is on its last mission ? a 12-mile creep through city streets. It will move past an eclectic mix of strip malls, mom-and-pop shops, tidy lawns and faded apartment buildings. Its final destination: California Science Center in South Los Angeles where it will be put on display. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

The space shuttle Endeavour is moved to the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Lucy Nicholson, Pool)

Spectators take pictures as the space shuttle Endeavour makes its way through city streets in Inglewood, Calif., Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Endeavour's 12-mile road trip kicked off shortly before midnight Thursday as it moved from its Los Angeles International Airport hangar en route to the California Science Center. (AP Photo/Patrick T. Fallon)

The space shuttle Endeavour is slowly moved down Crenshaw Blvd. at Slauson Ave., Saturday, Oct.13, 2012, in Los Angeles. The shuttle is on its last mission ? a 12-mile creep through city streets. It will move past an eclectic mix of strip malls, mom-and-pop shops, tidy lawns and faded apartment buildings. Its final destination: California Science Center in South Los Angeles where it will be put on display. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Spectators take pictures as the space shuttle Endeavour makes its way down Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles, Calif. on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 to the California Science Center museum. (AP Photo/Patrick T. Fallon)

(AP) ? At every turn of Endeavour's stop-and-go commute through urban streets, a constellation of spectators trailed along as the space shuttle ploddingly nosed past stores, schools, churches and front yards.

Having escaped out of Earth's atmosphere two dozen times, Endeavour's slow-speed trek Saturday to its retirement center took it through the working-class streets of southern Los Angeles.

In an instant, the shuttle crossings became part of history.

Along the 12-mile course, thousands marveled at the engineering. Some rooted for Endeavour when it appeared it might clip a light post. Others wondered if it could just hurry up to its destination.

Early birds gathered in front of lnglewood High School before sunrise to watch Endeavour roll by at a pokey 2 mph. Dean Martinez, who lives in Los Angeles but works in Inglewood, could not miss the moment.

"This is great for the city as a whole. It makes us proud," said Martinez, a project director for a nonprofit.

Endeavour had been scheduled to inch into the California Science Center on Saturday evening to spend the rest of its years as a museum piece. But as the night wore on, even inching became a challenge, and the journey looked likely to spill into Sunday.

The second day of the move started off promising, with Endeavour 1? hours ahead of schedule. But hurdles and hiccups caused it to run some five hours behind. There was no major single reason for the slowdown ? it was the accumulation of small problems involving maneuvering and maintenance.

They included a small tree on the narrowest section of the move that planners hadn't thought needed removal but ended up bringing the procession to a stop. As crews tried to find ways to tilt and twist the shuttle past the tree, they came close to deciding to cut it down before Endeavor squeezed through. Another slip-up came when it appeared the shuttle was going to hit a light post, and crews again began plans to remove it as the ship slid through.

The crowd had its problems too. Despite temperatures in the mid-70s, more than two dozen people were treated for heat-related injuries after a long day in the sun, according to fire officials.

But incredibly, given the size of the crowd, police reported no arrests.

Unlike other high-profile events like the Academy Awards or the Rose Parade, the procession was centered in some of the area's most economically downtrodden and troubled places. The shuttle passed several gritty areas and shuttered businesses, and rolled down many streets that were aflame two decades earlier during the 1992 riots brought on by the Rodney King beating.

"Having a shuttle come through this area of high poverty, it can only be a good thing" for the community," said Damian Pipkins, a volunteer at Eso Won Books.

Endeavour hit the pavement before dawn Friday, trundling out of the Los Angeles International Airport on a remote-controlled 160-wheel carrier past diamond-shaped "Shuttle Xing" signs. When it reached a freeway overpass that night, it was towed by a truck.

The shuttle made a late-morning pit stop Saturday at the Forum ? former home of the Los Angeles Lakers ? where it was greeted in the arena's parking lot by a throng of cheering spectators. It was late to its second public celebration that included a dance performance choreographed by Debbie Allen.

For most of the way, Endeavour straddled wide boulevards ? Manchester, Crenshaw, Martin Luther King Jr. The one exception was when the shuttle ambled through a slightly curved residential street lined with apartment buildings on both sides ? a spot that caused some delay.

As it wound through South Los Angeles, residents welcomed its presence. Before the move, some lamented over the loss of shade as trees were chopped down to provide clearance.

Others thought it was a decent trade.

"If you have to go through a little bit of pain to have something nice for the community, then it's worth it," said Pamela Tucker, who lives a block away from Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles.

When Endeavour rolls down King Boulevard, special attention will be paid to the pine trees planted in honor of the slain civil rights leader.

Endeavour may have circled the globe nearly 4,700 times, but its roots are grounded in California. Its main engines were fabricated in the San Fernando Valley. The heat tiles were invented in Silicon Valley. Its "fly-by-wire" technology was developed in the Los Angeles suburb of Downey.

It's no longer shiny and sleek, like when it first rolled off the assembly line in the Mojave Desert in 1991 to replace the lost Challenger. As it cruised block-by-block, it's hard to miss what 123 million miles in space and two dozen re-entries can do to the exterior.

Shuffling Endeavour through city streets was a laborious undertaking ? nearly a year in the making. It could not be taken apart without damaging the delicate tiles. Airlifting it was out of the question. So was driving on freeways since it was too massive to fit through underpasses.

There were consequences. Several hundred Inglewood residents suffered hours-long outages when power lines were temporarily snipped. Some businesses lost customers because of street and sidewalk closures.

Such a move is not cheap. The cross-town transport was estimated at $10 million, to be paid for by the science center and private donations.


Associated Press writer Christopher Weber in Los Angeles contributed to this story.


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Associated Press


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Saturday 13 October 2012

Friday Morning Server Craziness (Little green footballs)

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Healthy diets have long-lasting positive effects even with partial weight regain

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets have lasting, healthy effects, even with partial weight regain, according to a follow-up study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Israel's Nuclear Research Center.

The results were published in a peer-reviewed letter in the current New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) as an update to the landmark study, the workplace-based Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT), a tightly controlled 24-month dietary intervention.

According to Dr. Dan Schwarzfuchs from the Nuclear Research Center Negev in Dimona, Israel, "Our follow-up subsequent data shows lasting, positive effects of Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets six years later." The results suggest that the lipid profile (lower cholesterol, triglycerides and arteriosclerosis) improved for the long term, regardless of partial regain. "Data from trials comparing the effectiveness of weight-loss diets are frequently limited to the intervention period," explains BGU Prof. Iris Shai.

Overall six-year weight loss was significantly lower from baseline for Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets, but not for the low-fat group. In the four-year post-intervention, participants regained nearly six pounds. Total weight change for the entire six-year period was approximately -7 lbs. for the Mediterranean diet and -3.7 lbs. for the low-carbohydrate diet.

After four years post-intervention, more than two-thirds (67 percent) of the DIRECT participants had continued with their original assigned diet, 11 percent switched to another diet and 22 percent were not dieting at all.

The researchers also found that after six years, the HDL/LDL ratio remained significantly lower only in the low-carbohydrate diet. Triglyceride levels remained significantly lower in the Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets. Overall, total cholesterol levels remained persistently and significantly lower in all diet groups as compared to baseline.

In the original study, 322 moderately obese subjects were randomly assigned to one of three diets: low-fat; restricted-calorie; Mediterranean; or low-carbohydrate, non-restricted-calorie, and were provided color-labeled food per diet daily in the workplace cafeteria. The two-year adherence rate was 85 percent. The results suggested beneficial metabolic effects to low-carb and Mediterranean diets. Moreover, the researchers found a significant diet-induced regression in the carotid vessel wall volume across all diet groups. This change was mainly dependent on diet-induced reduction of blood pressure.

"This breakthrough, even years later, continues to yield valuable information that can help every one of us make healthier diet choices," says Doron Krakow, executive vice president of American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. "It is another example of BGU and Israeli researchers, thanks to generous funding by the Atkins foundation, improving the quality of our lives."

This research was supported by the Nuclear Research Center Negev; the Chief Scientist Office of the Israel Ministry of Health (Project No. 300000-4850); and the Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Research Foundation in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania.


American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev:

Thanks to American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 28 time(s).


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Even Messier When Kids are Involved - Parenting & Family

Editor?s note: This article appeared originally on on September 20, 2012. Used with permission.

Q:??My five-year-old daughter just called me from her dad?s crying?now I am crying?this is so, so hard. How do people get through it???

I so get this. ?Never in a million years did I think I would be dealing with this kind of thing. ?How you handle this will depend on your relationship with your ex-husband, the age of your children, and the severity of the damage going on. ?But here are some general ideas to try.

Listen. When your child calls you crying or comes home and gives you an earful, take note. ?I don?t believe for the most part that children make stuff up like this. ?And I believe as mothers, we are able to discern what?s true and what?s overblown. ?Don?t discount the tears or the pleas for help. ?God made you the mother for a reason.

Confront. If possible, try talking to your ex-spouse about the situation, parent to parent. ?In my case, that?s no longer a possibility, so it?s hard for me to speak to this one. ?But if you?re at an amicable place in your relationship with your children?s father, this is the place to start. ?Share your concerns. ?Ask him if he has ideas of how you two can help your children adjust better. ?Perhaps family counseling might be in order. ?Perhaps a small break from as-frequent visits if your child is really suffering each time she goes. ?Try to brainstorm together, reminding him and yourself that what you both should be focusing on is what is best for your child right now and long-term, not what we want.?

Get help for the kids. I have embraced the now-famous saying, ?It takes a village to raise a child.? ?I?ve had to. ?I no longer consider myself to be co-parenting. ?I am a single mother. ?I am parallel-parenting at best. ?And I need help. ?My son spends time with four men from our church who are showing him what it means to be a man who loves and pursues God. ?And my daughter needs other women too. ?She?s got a couple small group leaders and she meets with my mentor. ?Both of my children, especially as children of divorce, need other adults to pour into them and help them walk through this season, to help them see what it looks like to be emotionally and relationally healthy. ?This didn?t just happen though. ?I ask and I set things up and I thank and then I ask again. ?Even if I?m annoying, I?m going to do this for my kids.?

And if necessary, get legal help for the kids. All states are different, but if you believe visitation should be suspended for a time or indefinitely, check with your lawyer on what would be involved.?

Get support for yourself. More than anything else that has gone on in my marriage and its ending that has broken my heart or angered me ? and there has been so very much ? nothing has done my damage to my soul than seeing what has gone on with my children. ?Seriously, this mama bear is mad. ?I carry around a huge weight when it comes to my children?how to parent them through this now?and what might come of their futures. ?I talk with friends and I read as much as I can. ?This is the only issue that still makes me cry. ?Surround yourself and your children with healthy families, with other mothers you respect. ?Share your heart and your burden. ?Ask for advice. ?Ask for help.


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Monday 27 August 2012

The Pros And Cons Of Renting Commercial Property | Tic Tracker

After much consideration, you have decided that commercial real estate dealing is an area you want to explore. You may have many questions about it, but there is no need to worry because this article has helpful information for you. The following paragraphs are your springboard to commercial real estate profits.

Strive to keep your commercial properties occupied at all times if you choose to rent them to tenants. Having unoccupied spaces mean that you have to pay for their upkeep. If you notice that you have several vacant properties, try to find out why, and look at ways of enticing tenants back in.

Always include emergency maintenance on your list of need to know things. Make sure to consult your landlord about emergency repair responsibilities in your building or office. Keep their numbers updated, and know how long it takes them to arrive on average. Use the information from your landlord to prepare an emergency plan to protect your reputation and customer service for the times when your normal business flow is disrupted.

You will probably have to put a lot of effort into your new investment at the beginning. Although the investment might be a tremendous opportunity, it will only be good if you take care of any repairs or perhaps do a bit of remodeling. Do not give up because this process takes too much of your time. The investment will be repaid as time goes on.

TIP! Be sure about the correct square footage available. Properties are measured in term of usable square feet or the total square footage which includes uninhabitable space.

It is important to be aware of all of the environmental issues and obligations related to your property. For example, one of the most important environmental concerns that every property owner must deal with is hazardous waste disposal. Failure to remove waste properly can be a huge problem. As owner of the property, you must be willing and able to address these concerns, regardless of whether you were directly responsible for them.

See how your considered firm measure its results. Ask them how they estimate your needed space, what criteria they use to vet potential properties and how they intend to get you the best price. Kknowing this before signing an agreement with them has many benefits.

As you hunt for prospective properties, you should keep an eye out for real estate opportunities that are larger than you are looking for. Although you may feel overwhelmed by the number of units you will be responsible for in a large building, it actually doesn?t take more work to take care of large buildings successfully. Plus, larger buildings are cheaper in the long run?you pay less for each unit if the building has more units.

Before initiating a purchase, be sure that you are negotiating with a customer-focused company. If you work with a company that only cares about its own profits, you might lose money on preventable mistakes.

TIP! If you trying to choose between two or more potential properties, it?s good to think bigger in terms of perspective. Finding the right bank to finance you might be hard, even if you are going for a smaller building.

Remember that your relationship to the investors or lenders plays an important role. Many commercial real estate is bought and sold without ever being on the market. Networking far and wide will keep you up-to-date on what?s going on in the industry and also make you privy to great deals.

Volatility in interest rates is one of the biggest risks to investors of commercial real estate. Current economic conditions can make rates rise and fall with shocking unpredictability, which leaves investors open to the possibility of drastic increases in the interest rates. Keep this in mind as you start considering your different options.

Focus on a single investment each time. Whether your investment choice is retail, land or rental buildings, choose one arena of investment to focus on exclusively for now. Each kind of investment will requires a full time commitment. You?re better off being an expert at one than you are being average at many.

TIP! Retain an attorney who is experienced in commercial real estate law before you purchase your first property. It is best to always be protected by a trustworthy, knowledgeable legal professional who can help you to resolve any issues that may arise.

Before you choose your real estate broker, find out how they negotiate. Inquire about their training and experience. Ensure that the broker fights tooth and nail to get you the best price on your property, but make sure he or she doesn?t use underhanded tactics. Request to see examples of previous negotiations, both those that were unsuccessful and those that were successful.

You should now be ready to purchase your first commercial property. If you had considered yourself knowledgeable before, you known even more now. The advice of this article should be a good base of knowledge for you to build your success in commercial real estate on, and meet or exceed all of your hopes and


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HBT: Beckett to debut Monday, replacing Billingsley

Dodgers GM Ned Colletti announced to the media on Saturday that newly-acquired starter Josh Beckett is going to make his debut on Monday night against the Rockies, filling the rotation spot left vacant by a recent injury to right-hander Chad Billingsley, who is going to be sidelined for ?a while.?

This according to Dylan Hernandez, Dodgers beat writer for the Los Angeles Times.

Beckett was acquired in the nine-player blockbuster trade with the Red Sox that was made official this afternoon. He had an ugly 5.23 ERA, 1.33 WHIP and 94/38 K/BB ratio in 127 1/3 innings this season with Boston.

Billingsley came down with inflammation in his right elbow Friday night. He is headed to the disabled list.


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Sunday 26 August 2012

Tef Poe Releases Single: Can't Push Me ft. Royce Da 5'9"

Press Releases


Tef Poe Releases Single: Can't Push Me ft. Royce Da 5'9"

, 26 August 2012 -- Tef Poe, releases his newest single from War Machine 2 hosted by DJ Smallz & DJ Shure Fire.

St. Louis, MO - Tef Poe, releases his newest single from War Machine 2 hosted by DJ Smallz & DJ Shure Fire. The single titled Can't Push Me features Royce Da 5'9" of the rap super group Slaughterhouse (Shady Records) & is produced by KoKo of Basement Beats.

Tef was honored to have a lyrical, midwestern emcee such as Royce on the same track. As Tef states, "Royce is arguably one of the best emcees alive".

While Tef Poe and KoKo are far from strangers when it comes to collaboration, Tef still holds him in high regard as well: "He's a Grammy Award winning producer. He has produced for Tech N9ne, Nelly, and Diddy... Of course, I'm honored to work with him."

In today's music industry, it is no longer uncommon to see artists on the rise collaborate with well-established artists. But, how? While Tef can't elaborate on how this works for other artists, he decided to shoot a quick video explaining how this particular feature came about in his own words.

So, after you press play to hear why Tef Poe & Royce Da 5'9? can't be pushed then, watch the video and hear how Can't Push Me came to be.

Can?t Push Me (Audio):

How It Happened (Video):

Tef Poe is a hip-hop recording artist represented by Over Dose Ent. from St. Louis, Missouri. Tef Poe has been featured in XXL?s The Break (March 2012) and The Source?s Unsigned Hype (August 2012). Additionally, Tef Poe advocates for human rights as an official spokesperson/performer for Amnesty International.

Justin W. Tolen
Ph: 314.529.1332

# # #

Submitted by BrianPearson, Ambiance Salon on Sunday, 26 August 2012 at 3:15 PM
Category: Arts & Entertainment


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Two Steps Toward Happiness - The Self Improvement Blog

By Dr Neil Flanagan -

The pursuit of happiness is a life-long quest for most of us. If we believe what we?re bombarded with by advertisers, you could be excused for concluding that all it requires is acquiring stuff-cars, houses, a beautiful body, a particular brand of shoes, and so on. If only?

The pursuit is hardly recent. To highlight what he considered essential for happiness, Epicurus (341-270 BC)-the same bloke who reckoned that a cucumber sandwich was good tucker-divided our needs into three classes. He identified the desires that are natural and necessary-basic food, shelter, clothes, friends, and freedom. Then there are others that are natural but unnecessary-a big house, a new car, and the latest in fashion. And there are those desires that are neither natural nor necessary-power, fame, status, and all that who?s-got-the-biggest stuff. Epicurus reckoned that if we want to be truly happy, we must satisfy the desires that are natural and necessary. Money, therefore, was important only in so far as it provided the means to purchase things that are natural and necessary.

Even before Epicurus? time, the role of money in delivering happiness was under the microscope (or its BC-equivalent). Aristotle?s two-bob?s worth was, ?? it?s difficult to do fine deeds without resources?. While we know that money alone may not bring happiness, there are two often-quoted sentiments that strike a chord with many people. First, there?s Mae West?s ?I?ve been rich and I?ve been poor. And rich is better?. Then there?s Spike Milligan?s plea: ?All I ask is a chance to prove that money can?t make you happy?.

As we acquire the wisdom that seems to come with grey, blue, or no hair, there is an acceptance of John Ruskin?s view that there is no wealth but life.

The ongoing pursuit of happiness has uncovered agreement about two ?must-do?s?. The first is to remove clutterbits from our lives. Clutterbits are all the stuff that we can live without-just like Epicurus alerted us to a couple thousand years ago. The other is to focus our energies on appreciating what we have rather than what we don?t have. As we age, we come to realize that the main reason the grass on the other side of the fence is greener is because we keep watering it.

In addition to single malt whisky, the Scotts gave us this great proverb: ?Be happy while you?re living, for you?re a long time dead?.

If you?d like to progress any of the issues raised in this article, just go to and join-in the blog, talk to Neil on Facebook, and so on.

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Two Steps Toward Happiness


Two Steps Toward Happiness

By Dr Neil Flanagan

The pursuit of happiness is a life-long quest for most of us. If we believe what we?re bombarded with by advertisers, you could be excused for concluding that all it requires is acquiring stuff-cars, houses, a beautiful body, a particular brand of shoes, and so on. If only?

The pursuit is hardly recent. To highlight what he considered essential for happiness, Epicurus (341-270 BC)-the same bloke who reckoned that a cucumber sandwich was good tucker-divided our needs into three classes. He identified the desires that are natural and necessary-basic food, shelter, clothes, friends, and freedom. Then there are others that are natural but unnecessary-a big house, a new car, and the latest in fashion. And there are those desires that are neither natural nor necessary-power, fame, status, and all that who?s-got-the-biggest stuff. Epicurus reckoned that if we want to be truly happy, we must satisfy the desires that are natural and necessary. Money, therefore, was important only in so far as it provided the means to purchase things that are natural and necessary.

Even before Epicurus? time, the role of money in delivering happiness was under the microscope (or its BC-equivalent). Aristotle?s two-bob?s worth was, ?? it?s difficult to do fine deeds without resources?. While we know that money alone may not bring happiness, there are two often-quoted sentiments that strike a chord with many people. First, there?s Mae West?s ?I?ve been rich and I?ve been poor. And rich is better?. Then there?s Spike Milligan?s plea: ?All I ask is a chance to prove that money can?t make you happy?.

As we acquire the wisdom that seems to come with grey, blue, or no hair, there is an acceptance of John Ruskin?s view that there is no wealth but life.

The ongoing pursuit of happiness has uncovered agreement about two ?must-do?s?. The first is to remove clutterbits from our lives. Clutterbits are all the stuff that we can live without-just like Epicurus alerted us to a couple thousand years ago. The other is to focus our energies on appreciating what we have rather than what we don?t have. As we age, we come to realise that the main reason the grass on the other side of the fence is greener is because we keep watering it.

In addition to single malt whisky, the Scotts gave us this great proverb: ?Be happy while you?re living, for you?re a long time dead?.

If you?d like to progress any of the issues raised in this article, just go to and join-in the blog, talk to Neil on Facebook, and so on.

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Two Steps Toward Happiness


Two Steps Toward Happiness

By Dr Neil Flanagan

The pursuit of happiness is a life-long quest for most of us. If we believe what we?re bombarded with by advertisers, you could be excused for concluding that all it requires is acquiring stuff-cars, houses, a beautiful body, a particular brand of shoes, and so on. If only?

The pursuit is hardly recent. To highlight what he considered essential for happiness, Epicurus (341-270 BC)-the same bloke who reckoned that a cucumber sandwich was good tucker-divided our needs into three classes. He identified the desires that are natural and necessary-basic food, shelter, clothes, friends, and freedom. Then there are others that are natural but unnecessary-a big house, a new car, and the latest in fashion. And there are those desires that are neither natural nor necessary-power, fame, status, and all that who?s-got-the-biggest stuff. Epicurus reckoned that if we want to be truly happy, we must satisfy the desires that are natural and necessary. Money, therefore, was important only in so far as it provided the means to purchase things that are natural and necessary.

Even before Epicurus? time, the role of money in delivering happiness was under the microscope (or its BC-equivalent). Aristotle?s two-bob?s worth was, ?? it?s difficult to do fine deeds without resources?. While we know that money alone may not bring happiness, there are two often-quoted sentiments that strike a chord with many people. First, there?s Mae West?s ?I?ve been rich and I?ve been poor. And rich is better?. Then there?s Spike Milligan?s plea: ?All I ask is a chance to prove that money can?t make you happy?.

As we acquire the wisdom that seems to come with grey, blue, or no hair, there is an acceptance of John Ruskin?s view that there is no wealth but life.

The ongoing pursuit of happiness has uncovered agreement about two ?must-do?s?. The first is to remove clutterbits from our lives. Clutterbits are all the stuff that we can live without-just like Epicurus alerted us to a couple thousand years ago. The other is to focus our energies on appreciating what we have rather than what we don?t have. As we age, we come to realise that the main reason the grass on the other side of the fence is greener is because we keep watering it.

In addition to single malt whisky, the Scotts gave us this great proverb: ?Be happy while you?re living, for you?re a long time dead?.

If you?d like to progress any of the issues raised in this article, just go to and join-in the blog, talk to Neil on Facebook, and so on.

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Layton Hower ? Blog Archive ? Basic Self-help Recommendations ...

There are an ample level of facts to consider when you plan a trip of personal development. In the event you don?t hold the prepare you require, you might take more time enduring with all the procedure than needed. This short article will provide you with the information on self improvement you need.

A single wonderful suggestion in relation to self improvement is to produce a strategy and follow it. Creating a plan to gain an aim is fantastic, however it is only 50 % the struggle. Know that establishing desired goals and making plans is not hard, carrying out them may be the difficult aspect.

Self improvement is normally best in case you have a definite goal in mind. Simply striving for ?development? can take you considerably, and can make it much harder so that you can reach your ultimate objectives. Certain desired goals that you can evidently envision will help you to continue to be dedicated to why you?re striving for advancement.

In the event that you might be not maintaining your amazing in a specific condition, stop and go on an individual time out. Preventing and checking to 15 will almost certainly provide you with the probability to contemplate what you are going to say or do after that and can help you to avoid making the incorrect transfer.

Make a change these days. A lot of people have objectives and desires, but put them off of till ?an improved time?. Here?s the reality: There is not any much better time than at the moment. If you wish one thing, go on a very little step towards it these days. You will not only sense happy which you have really attained one thing, you?ll truly feel so excellent about it, you?ll want to do more.

Increase your ability to generate and comply with a practical, nicely-planned schedule for job, house, and sociable events. If you usually discover youself to be running out of time, change your day-to-day goal to add a minimum of 25 percent of your own time unoccupied by any one certain activity. This gives you a sort of barrier that can be used to accommodate jobs that run above their allotted time.

Do not limit on your own by accident using a thin-minded look at on the planet. While it is a challenge to simply accept new hurdles beyond our comfort areas, it really is an advantageous method for you to undertake inside your quest to self improvement. Your comfort zone will never enable you to develop as being a man or woman.

Since you now have taken time to read through through this short article and find out some strategies to achieve some personal development, you possess used the first task to becoming the brand new you. Make sure you truly implement these tips in your lifestyle and you will definitely surely be on the path to contentment.

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Expert Advice For Supporting Your Home-based Business!

If an individual said information on ways to start a home-based business and finally leave your career, what would you say? Many individuals make an effort to encourage you that accomplishment from working in the home is possible. It can be possible to possess a profitable home business, but there isn?t any one-size-satisfies-all answer, and then there are no assures of accomplishment. These bits of guidance will tell you the particulars of beginning your very own work from home business.

Analysis any individual you plan to employ for your own home organization. Employees that do not support your sight as well as your insurance policies is only going to take your business downward.

Having adequate safety factors are essential for a house business to help you avoid crashes in the office, particularly when your loved ones is approximately. It might be you need to obtain protection gear and enforce regulations regarding entry. Disregarding to secure your small business could put equally your family as well as your possessions in danger. No matter whether or otherwise you job away from your house, your small business will almost certainly undergo an evaluation.

Outfit up, even if you do business from home. Doing work at home at times makes you feel as though you can stay all around in your pajamas. Getting outfitted for job, the same as within a regular company, may benefit you over time. By dressing up and sensing excellent, you may be on your path to earning your small business as successful as you can.

Learning how to advertise on the web is extremely important to good earnings. Make folks mindful of your organization by publishing blogs, incorporating content to article directory sites, and advertising it on message boards. These strategies boosts your visitors as well as your earnings.

Help yourself plus your business with internet forums visited by other people who have house organizations. You will discover a plentiful supply of forums associated with having a home-based business. Take a look and choose one which will give you helpful information for your own personel. This can be an significant component of your assist process. Other companies are more than pleased to discuss stuff they?ve tried out and no matter if those ideas have brought accomplishment. If you struck a rough location, these details can create a big difference.

Make sure to continuously be aware of the values of your rivalry. This makes certain that your pricing is aggressive and can clarify changes in product sales developments.

In case you have an outside enterprise, collection that deal with rather than a P.O. Package. Men and women really feel a better link to an actual deal with and so are more unlikely to understand not enough humankind. Having an actual physical street address presents your enterprise feeling of permanence that is reassuring for your buyers.

Take a look at family?s routine before beginning any home business to make sure that every little thing will suit beautifully. If this interferes with your loved ones time a great deal, you may want to rethink commencing this type of home-based business.

When starting your home business, ensure that you estimate the amount of money you will have to buy first start-up charges. Residence companies have a cost involved to operate them, but it normally under a classic enterprise. Discovering how much money it will take to keep your business working will prevent you from shedding cash later on.

You should begin your home-based business whilst keeping your older task. Your brand new business will not take off straight away, so make sure you stick to your existing task for now. Additionally it is smart to obtain 6 months of living expenditures in financial savings.

If you are attempting to decide what product you want to promote or assistance you want to provide, opt for an issue that would make your life a little easier. Men and women would want to invest in an item that resolves a common dilemma they need to deal with every day. If you can find a way to deal with a common problem, your merchandise will become successful.

While looking at this article, with a little luck you have been inspired to acquire your life into your very own fingers. You have been given plenty of recommendations on beginning a property organization, and now is the time to seize the bull from the horns and do it now! You can keep this informative article for reference point to see anytime you are certainly not positive what the next thing you need to be getting is.

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Friday 18 May 2012

Thunder rally to edge Lakers 77-75 in Game 2

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, left, tumbles over Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum during the first quarter of Game 2 in an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, left, tumbles over Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum during the first quarter of Game 2 in an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace, right, shoots in front of Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka during the first quarter in Game 2 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, left, blocks a shot by Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum during the second quarter in Game 2 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace (15) shoots in front of Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, center left, during the first quarter in Game 2 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Los Angeles Lakers center Jordan Hill, right, dunks in front of Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook (0) during the second quarter in Game 2 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) ? Down in desperation time, Oklahoma City Thunder coach Scott Brooks called on Kevin Durant to show that he's more than just a three-time scoring champion. And that meant guarding one of the NBA's all-time best.

Durant was up to the challenge, keeping Kobe Bryant from excelling as usual in his closer's role while sparking the Thunder's rally for a 77-75 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 2 of the Western Conference semifinals Wednesday night.

Durant scored 22 points and rattled in the go-ahead basket on a baseline runner with 18 seconds left as Oklahoma City scored the final nine points. He also had a crucial steal from Bryant to fuel the rally.

"People talk about how I score the ball," said Durant, one of only seven players to lead the NBA in scoring three straight seasons.

"They don't look at me when we go on the other end. I think this whole playoff run, I've been picking it up on the defensive end."

Oklahoma City trailed by seven with 2 minutes left before surging back with a series of defensive stops by its stars to rally from that deficit in the closing stages of a game for the second time this postseason. The Thunder also were down by seven with 2? minutes left in Game 1 of the first round against defending NBA champion Dallas.

"They won't quit. That's not in their DNA," Brooks said. "They're not wired that way and if they were, they wouldn't be here. We're not going to win every game, but we're going to fight to the last second of the game and we did that tonight.

"If we would have gotten down on ourselves with 2 minutes to go, we would have lost by 12 and we would go to L.A. 1-1."

Instead, Oklahoma City takes a 2-0 lead into Game 3 on Friday night at Staples Center.

Bryant and Andrew Bynum scored 20 points apiece for the Lakers, who came up empty on their last six possessions after Bynum's hook shot made it 75-68 with 2:09 remaining.

Struggling throughout the second half and missing 20 of their first 27 shots, the Thunder came alive after Brooks called a timeout when Bynum's basket gave Los Angeles its largest lead of the game.

James Harden drove for a layup before Durant used his height advantage to reach up and tip away a pass from Bryant. He then ran out for a right-handed dunk at the other end.

Brooks had switched Durant onto Bryant with about 5 minutes left, after Bryant had hit a pair of jumpers as the Lakers started to inch away.

"That wasn't the game plan going in, but there was a moment when I thought Kobe was starting to fill it and I thought Kevin's length would bother him," Brooks said.

That's exactly how it played out ? with the 6-foot-9 Durant using his wingspan to come up with an energizing steal and fast-break chance.

Russell Westbrook then forced another turnover by challenging an outlet pass to Bryant along the sideline. Officials originally ruled that it went off Westbrook, but changed the call after seeing on replay that he didn't touch it and Bryant whiffed on the contested catch.

"What they did the last few minutes there, they just made gambles," Bryant said. "They just jumped in the passing lanes. It's something that we're not accustomed to seeing. It's just flat-out risks defensively."

Harden made the next stop, blocking Bryant's jumper on the Lakers' next possession and getting a layup in transition off it to cut the deficit to one in the final minute.

Bryant then missed on a 3-pointer and the Thunder got the ball back with the chance to take the lead and Durant was able to make it happen on the offensive end.

"I think Kevin has improved on being a two-way player," Brooks said. "I think the last three years it's taken our team to a different level and it takes his game to a different level."

Steve Blake missed an open 3-pointer from the right side with about 5 seconds left after Metta World Peace couldn't get the ball to Bryant on the inbounds play.

Bryant, who was the primary option on the play, said Blake's shot was in the air by the time he turned around to look for an inbounds pass.

"Blake was wide open. We didn't have any timeouts left and he got a clean look, a really good look," World Peace said. "He can knock that down."

Durant was then fouled with 0.3 seconds left and made his first try before missing the second on purpose ? failing to hit the backboard or rim for a violation.

The Lakers got a desperation try, but Harden intercepted World Peace's long pass for Bynum.

Westbrook added 15 points for Oklahoma City, which matched its lowest scoring total of the season but still gutted out the win. The Thunder had ripped apart the Lakers' defense with their pick-and-roll attack in Game 1, scoring 119 points in a 29-point blowout.

Pau Gasol had 14 points and 11 rebounds for L.A.

Historically, the loss makes a huge difference. Los Angeles is 29-12 when splitting the first two games of a seven-game series and has lost 17 of 19 when falling into a 2-0 hole. The Lakers' last comeback was in the 2004 West semifinals against San Antonio.

The Thunder have won all nine of their series after leading 2-0, dating to the franchise's days in Seattle.

"We've got to win," Bynum said. "It's do or die come Friday."

Bryant almost led the Lakers to a big bounce-back victory in this one.

He drilled a jumper from the left wing and Blake followed with a 3-pointer before World Peace hit one of two free throws for a 69-63 advantage with 7:27 remaining. Bryant then answered Serge Ibaka's jumper before missing his final five shots.

He also had a hand in two turnovers in the final 2 minutes, the first created by Durant's defense.

"He used his length on Kobe. Coming up with that steal was huge," Lakers' coach Mike Brown said. "That's what great players are supposed to do. They're supposed to take on the challenge at the end of the game and he did.

"He won the game for them, basically."

Notes: The NBA fined Devin Ebanks $25,000 on Wednesday for actions related to his Game 1 ejection and Bynum $15,000 for failing to speak to reporters Tuesday. Bynum talked at the Lakers' morning shootaround Wednesday and called it a make up for skipping the previous day. ... Harden caught World Peace with an inadvertent elbow to the face in the first quarter. ... After making 10 of 15 shots in Game 1, Westbrook was 5 for 17.

Associated Press

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The basic description of Network Marketing, in my words would be ?Marketing of goods and services through getting, establishing friendship with the lead and introducing the item as an answer he is seeking, through you and your team, who also duplicate the same process?. This does not stop here. Your team will also have their recruits, duplicating the same process.

Internet Marketing is a cash churning theory for the ones who clinch it, learn it, and implement it. A business module which requires as little as a few dollars as the initial investment. That?s why network marketing is the right business model to open your own home based business. Provided you adhere to the Mlm script.

If Internet Marketing was so easy, why large business houses don?t copy this module? Well they do. Take a look at the branding industry. do you think? Do Starwood, Carlson or Lemon Tree, own all resorts that display their name? No, maybe a handful? Rest all are branded where the company get a percentage of their profit as a fee.

So what does Network Marketing or Web Marketing entail? Primarily it is a three move process, first you connect with people, then you present your proposal or opportunity and there after you push them to extort a decision. All this does sound extremely simple.

But people fall short. The net Network Marketing is not As easy like saying one..two and three. It takes elaborate preparation and implimentation. Careful assessment. Applying course adjustments all the time to avoid or bypass rough weather, road blocks or air pockets.

?Multi Leveled? or multi operative blueprint has the chance for multiple income streams. It requires meeting up with people for financial gains.

in easy terms, Network Marketing requires not only Meeting up or connecting with people but developing a connection. You generate trust by displaying a value gain for your clients and offering your proposal,offer in a carefully navigated manner, as the most appropriate solution to their problems. The opportunity should only be offered after they ask for your advice. They seek you advice as they trust you and like you.

In this process the relationship results into a ?purchase? for the person or transaction for you as a win-win scene.

Remember the complete basis of Multi level marketing system is to lead your customer with a value offer,proposal.

One could very well argue why lose your time and investment in a long process, when product could be sold across the counter. The difference is that in face-to-face sale you are strictly creating a business association and not a relationship which stays for a few minutes during the process. In online Multi level marketing, on the other hand you have established a relationship of trust, liking and most probably of dependence.

What you did and what you are likely to gain against the direct sale approach. You have not just won a client, but also a spokes person, a recruit or an addition to your team. You will now watch him buy other products from you. Not only this, he is going to advertize you and your products to his friends, making your second down line and his first. Can you now see how this functions; you see the benefits of multi level marketing or MLM and online Network marketing. Give it six months to a year and you won?t be able to count the steps in your down line. Now here is a caution, ?so long as you do it right?. How do you do this right?

The major question is how you find people or Traffic. If there is no customers,people, there are no leads development. No prospects, and no opportunity to present your proposal, no client and no team. finished.

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Best of luck in your Network Marketing efforts.

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Saturday 12 May 2012

Teehan+Lax's 'Do We Have Milk?' answers the burning question with your Android phone, custom jugs (video)


Let's face it: whether or not there's enough good milk to drink has been an ongoing problem among the technology set, which is why we're surprised that we're only now seeing true smartphone-milk integration through a project at Teehan+Lax's Labs group. As the name implies, Do We Have Milk? will figure out whether or not there's enough in the milk bag (did we mention Teehan+Lax is very Canadian?) based on a weight sensor in the jug. Run low, and your Android phone will tell you not just to buy some more but produce a map pinpointing the nearest convenience or grocery store. DWHM? is an experiment that might take awhile to become a real product, if it ever does, but it could have broad implications for consumables of all kinds in addition to saving you from having to eat your Shreddies dry.

Continue reading Teehan+Lax's 'Do We Have Milk?' answers the burning question with your Android phone, custom jugs (video)

Teehan+Lax's 'Do We Have Milk?' answers the burning question with your Android phone, custom jugs (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 11 May 2012 04:22:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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