Saturday 26 October 2013

Greenaway wins Stockholm film festival award

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Organizers say the Stockholm Film Festival visionary award for 2013 will go to British filmmaker Peter Greenaway, for challenging "the spectator like a true modern visionary."

The jury on Tuesday said Greenaway has "created a new cinematic language" by questioning traditional notions of artistic expression and combining modern technology with his vast knowledge of classic art.

Greenaway has directed around sixty films, often delving into themes such as obsession, death, guilt and sex. Among his most famous works are 1982's "The Draughtsman's Contract," 1988's "Drowning by Numbers" and "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" from 1989.

The visionary award is one of the festival's most prestigious prizes. Previous winners include Gus Van Sant, Wong Kar Wai and Wes Anderson.

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