Friday 9 March 2012

Attributes That Build Up A Top Value Colocation Server | 1st about ...

A colocation server differs from a line rental in that the host takes care of fewer aspects, leaving the client with increased flexibility. Typically, hosts take responsibility for environmental factors like air conditioning, while clients takes care of software choice, hardware configuration and upkeep. More often than not, features like speed and data capacity are superior to other options. There are so many hosts on the market that one needs to know what aspects to consider.

Those wanting permanent uptime in an era in which renting a host can only provide 99% as a maximum, will choose this option. People who value extreme speed and bandwidth that doesn?t respond to high traffic will also benefit. Even weather conditions don?t effect the lines supplied through a colocation host.

These increased benefits do lead to a higher price, so cost comparisons will be an important part of selection. The very first thing clients must ask is whether a universal Tier 1 International connection is used which attaches to a minimum of 300 networks. This is of the highest priority.

Many offer unique services others do not. For example, some provide increased gigabytes, a large number of data centers and a speedy uplink. It?s important to know which of these offerings is relevant and necessary and which are simply attempts to explain away a higher price. The second most important aspect to seek is a high tech facility. These will supply internet at extremely high speeds.

Another priority is an active and available support team who work at nights and on weekends. This has become an industry norm so in this particularly specialized field, it?s something that should be non negotiable. Any host without 24 hour support is lagging behind.

Hosts that have been around for longer periods of time are usually superior. They will have kept up to date with the technology race or they would have folded by now. They will have more experience and therefore be more capable.

Multiple server redundancy is a feature not to negotiate on because without it, speeds may slow down at times. Since this service is known for its superior speeds, and clients are paying for this aspect, hosts without it are inadequate. There is one event in which one may choose to compromise and that?s if one is considering a highly established company with an enormous amount of clients. In this case, while speeds may be slower due to compact lines, one is benefiting by gaining a stable organisation with a good history behind it.

Most businesses forget to ask about the security of their data. Not every host sees it as important. The way to find out how careful they are is to question their visiting policy as this is the most common security weakness.

Other small extras which companies may want to look for are ease of use, free domain names and access to a number of IP addresses. More important, though, is finding out whether the break down of one server operation will lead to total internet failure. With those thoughts in mind, selecting a colocation server should be easier and more successful.

To see brilliant offers on having your own colocation server, visit To see how we could help with colo hosting, contact us now.

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