Monday 5 March 2012

Featured Blogger: Amy W | Natural Parents Network - Clayton ...

March 3rd, 2012 | 1 Comment
Written by Shannon
Posted in Featured, Featured Blogger

Image credit: Sears Portrait StudioAmy, one of NPN?s authors, has written about helping develop your child?s self-esteem by honoring the talents of their hearts, an introduction to potty learning, and a special moment in nursing her older child. She has her own blog at Toddler in Tow. She was born in Texas, and met and married her husband there. His career with the Coast Guard took them all the way to Southern Maine where they are raising their two children, Abbey and Joe. Amy, at home with the kids all day, loves watching the kids? interactions, and seeing their individual personalities develop. She is also working to develop a business, Silly Bear Handmade, making diapers and toys. As a family, they enjoy spending time outdoors with their black lab, Raven.

Amy started her blog, originally called Little Willa Lamb, from the computer at the Ronald MacDonald House where she was staying following Abbey?s emergency surgery immediately after birth. She breastfed exclusively, despite the challenges presented by the surgery and opposition from their pediatrician and specialists when Abbey was slow to gain weight. Because she wanted to support other mothers in their breastfeeding journeys, she became a Peer Counselor with WIC. Through her work with them, she reached out to La Leche League and learned more about Natural Parenting. Now she loves being a part of the NP community online. ?The fact that we enjoy parenting in an authentic, gentle, and natural way while also being a military family, with frequent deployments, different perspective shifts for Hubs, and an ever-changing home and family dynamic, I think that our experience in natural parenting is an interesting one, and I hope that people can see that if we can do it, anyone can!?

If you clicked on a random post on her blog, you would see a picture of one of her adorable children and a suggestion about how to be a natural parent. Amy hopes that she can inspire others through her blog to lead their families in a holistic and peaceful way. She loves that in the NP community, just a little comment can inspire a great conversation or collaboration, like when Dionna left a comment on Amy?s blog that her posts inspire her to be a more patient mother, which led to a lively discussion about the challenges of raising preschoolers, and their hopes for the future. Hopefully one of her three favorite posts can similarly inspire you.

  • Reflections of Compassion is a follow up to a guest post she wrote for Code Name: Mama, where she talks about how easy it was to be compassionate toward her family, and how much it positively affected her daughter?s attitude.
  • Friday Focus: Lactivists ? We?re Really Not Trying To Be Bullies was written in response to the first ever negative comment she received on her blog. ?I realized that the things that I have to say about formula companies and our society?s huge barriers to natural and term feeding of infants at the breast really upset people.?
  • Peaceful Toddler Discipline: You Gotta Have Faith is a post she rereads often to remind herself of her convictions. Now that Abbey is a preschooler, Amy finds it even harder to remember to have that faith.

?I?m excited to be an author on NPN,? she says. ?I hope that I?m able to inspire a parent to trust the natural ways of parenting and know that natural parenting is something that you can fit into any lifestyle in individual ways.?

While it?s only been three years since they became parents, Amy feels like it has caused major changes in the way she and her husband view their lives and the world. ?I was playing with both littles in Abbey?s room one morning, and I realized how beautiful it was that both of our kids are such an amazing blend of the love and character and life in my Hubs and in myself, and that the two of us are blends of our parents, and that that chain goes on forever in both directions.? She has also found herself more in tune in her relationship with God since becoming a parent.

Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us, Amy. The way you fought to provide the best for Abbey while she was in the NICU, and then used your struggles to help other mothers, is a great inspiration for me.


Are you interested in being featured on Natural Parents Network? Just email, with a link to your blog and I will send you our questionnaire. You must be linked up on the blogroll to be featured.


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