Thursday 17 October 2013

This Desk by Jony Ive and His BFF Marc Newson Could Fetch $300,000

Ask Marc Newson about the desk he collaboratively designed with Jony Ive, and he’ll give you a simple answer: “We basically wanted to create a desk that looked like Jony and Marc designed it.” Coming from anyone else, this answer would be frustratingly vague. But in this case, that’s all that really needs to be said. We are, after all, talking about two extremely well-known designers, whose influence you’re probably looking at right now.

“We’re such great friends that frankly it was kind of a no-brainer.”

The piece of furniture in question is the (RED) Desk, an industrial 1.5 ton anodized aluminum number that Sotheby’s will auction off on Nov. 2 to raise money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. We’ve already shown you the gorgeous Leica camera that the duo teamed up on, which was arguably more Ive than Newson. But the aluminum desk is, as Newson puts it, “a graceful and meaningful fusion of our respective aesthetics.” Meaning it’s streamlined and luxe with gentle curves CNC machined out of both designers’ preferred metal: aluminum. “It feels like a really modern material,” explains Newson. “It’s certainly one of the areas where we share a lot of common ground.”

Neal Feay manufactured the desk, machining 2,600 pounds of aluminum into a sleek final product with razor-thin edges that echo those of the iMac. Which totally makes sense considering the ultra-precise CNC machining process used to make the (RED) Desk is similar to the way your unibody MacBook came to be. The top of the desk is made from more than 100 hand-polished tiles, an added bit of luxury, which is no doubt a bid to rake in as much money as possible. Newson estimates that the desk should sell for at least $300,000, potentially half a million, or even better yet, “I’d be pleasantly surprised if it got more than that,” he says. “All it takes is a bidding war between two enormously wealthy people.”

The desk’s top is made from more than 100 hand-polished tiles. Image: Andrew Zuckerman

Newson and Ive have been friends for over 15 years, but this was the first time the designers, who are notoriously collaboration-shy, have worked together. “We’re such great friends that frankly it was kind of a no-brainer,” he says. “It’s a bit like collaborating without having to collaborate.” They worked mostly remotely since Ive leads the Apple design team in California, and Newson’s studio is based in London, but the distance wasn’t a problem. “It’s very very easy for us to talk on the phone and design something more or less verbally,” Newson explains. “We’ve both been doing our jobs for more than 20 years—it’s what we do day in and day out; we speak each other’s language completely fluently.”

Though there are only two custom-built pieces in the auction, Newson and Ive curated all 40 items and tweaked around half of them to add extra design flair, including a red leather Hermes saddle, a white Steinway with a blood-red inside lid and a set of rose gold earbuds. Newson doesn’t plan to bid on anything himself, though if he were going to he says he’d lay claim to the Space Shuttle window he and Ive designed a mount for. “It’s a pretty stunning object that defies your preconceptions of how big it should be,” he says. Interestingly, when curating for the auction, the designers shied away from the very thing that has catapulted them into fame. “We didn’t want this to be a survey on contemporary design; I don’t think either of us are particularly obsessed with the world of contemporary design,” says Newson. “A lot of the objects that we chose for us in some ways represent the antithesis of personality-driven design.”

Category: cleveland browns   jennette mccurdy   iPhone 5S   david wilson   nelson mandela  

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