Tuesday 13 September 2011

Business Negotiation : How To Deal With Suppliers

Negotiating with suppliers is a crucial part of business and is important to get right. Whether you are negotiating over something vital, such as items that you need to manufacture your key products, or something quite small, such as a stationery contract, it is important you both feel you have got a good deal. This is why negotiation is important. You should always know your goal before you start so you can be clear about your aims before the process gets underway.

Doing some research into your supplier can also help you be more successful at putting together a mutually beneficial negotiation deal. Understanding their objectives is important so you know their position and how far they can take their negotiations. If you push them too hard, for instance, you might find that the quality of their service drops or that it might no longer be worth their while supplying you at all because the price isn?t workable, which could leave you with some problems.

Having a team and a strategy before you start the negotiations with the supplier is also really important. You should also make sure your team roughly matches their team in terms of rank: if they send their business director to meet you, you shouldn?t send them a junior sales rep, for instance, as they might think you aren?t really serious about negotiating. Planning your arguments also helps, as does finding evidence to support your position as this can make some suppliers more amenable to your wishes.

When you are negotiating, you need to do everything you can to make sure the process runs smoothly. Make sure it is as professional and efficient as possible so it all goes as well as possible. You should always be prepared to compromise with the supplier at some point, but don?t offer your compromise too soon. You might end up alienating the supplier if you ignore their concerns, so make sure you listen if they?re really reluctant to accept an offer you make.

One final thing to think about is the end of the meeting: make sure you go through everything with the supplier to make sure you?re on the same page. Listening to them can help as they know what they?re talking about and so you could get a better deal. Always make sure anything you agree is put into writing as soon as possible so you can then create a contract for the services offered. Hopefully, this should keep everyone happy and lead to a good deal for you both.

Next : Business Gas Suppliers Or Business Gas Prices

Source: http://www.eddyarticles.com/business-articles/small-business-articles-business-articles/business-negotiation-how-to-deal-with-suppliers/

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