Saturday 10 September 2011

Democrats Learning How to Talk to Jews Again (The Atlantic Wire)

Democrats learned how to fix their "Jewish messaging" at a national party meeting in Chicago Friday, The New York Times' Nicholas Confessore reports. Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz will lead the presentation -- one of three given to top fundraisers and donors, as President Obama's lukewarm popularity among Jewish voters has become "a real but unexpected challenge" heading into the 2012 election campaign -- and next week's special election in New York.

Related: Obama Seeks to Make Up with Wall Street and Its Money

The race?to replace Anthony Wiener, who resigned from his New York City congressional district after a sext scandal, should have been an easy victory for the Democratic nominee. But David Weprin is now polling six points behind Republican Bob Turner. Notably,?a majority of Jewish voters -- 54 percent -- in the district disapprove of how Obama's doing his job, according to the new Siena College poll.


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