Sunday 18 September 2011

From Fast Growth To Dealing With The Recession For Jet Airways ...

Jet Airways ? India has acquired almost 100 aircraft in their operational fleet in fewer than twenty years of operation. Their fleet contains some some of the worlds most advanced and sophisticated passenger airliners. For example, among their fleet are ten Boeing 777-300 ER (Extended Range) aircraft. The company also has over 50 of Boeing 737 next-generation airliners which include the 700/800/900 aircraft. Jet Airways also has the Airbus A330-200 which it operates as well. Purchasing older aircraft would have been an understandable choice since the company is so young. Because they chose not to do that, the company is considered to have the youngest fleet of air carriers in the entire global aviation community. So no matter whether you are selecting an airlines firm or perhaps a treatment of ovarian cancer related firm, it?s critical which you remain focused on getting a top quality expertise.

Serious measure have been taken by all commercial airlines including Jet Airways because of the global economic conditions of the last decade. The company suspended flight operations to London, Brussels, Shanghai and San Francisco California. At the time those measures were announced, there had been clear intentions to expand service destinations. As expected, all expansion plans were placed on indefinite hold rather than permanent hold. The company has had to redirect its assets, including canceling new aircraft orders, leasing aircraft and other measures as necessary.

Just a few short years ago in the second half of the 2000s decade, we all know how difficult the economic climate was on a global scale. Just about every business, in every part of the world has been affected. Jet Airways did not catch anyone off guard when they laid off about nineteen-hundred employees during October 2008. The company has over 10,000 employes, so that is close to a 20% reduction in force. In the historical past of India, there had never before been such an extreme lay-off event. However, in a surprising move, the company recalled the employees after meeting with the Indian Civil Aviation Minister, Praful Patel. That seems like something almost unheard of in Western nations. Jet Airways India is ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms in its sector, that is a great factor.

The use of the Boeing 777 for long distance flights has been greatly curtailed if not stopped completely because of the recent years of recession. The 777 Extended Range Boeing airliners are ideal for transatlantic crossing. However, the company did switch to the Airbus A330 for Although flights to a few destinations were halted earlier, there are plans to resume a few of those flights later in 2011. In June of 2011, Jet Airways announced a new service designed to add more convenience to air travelers. Integrating new mobile technology with air ticket purchasing is Mobile Ticketing Solution, their latest effort. As you can easily guess, this allows for the The airline has come together with another Indian company called Ngpay, which has over a million mobile users. Huge growth in the mobile commerce sector service in India is something that Ngpay has been experiencing. All aspects and transactions can be performed with the Mobile Ticketing Solution including bookings, refunds or even cancellations.

Jet Airways has demonstrated the ability to survive harsh As any business should do, this company did what it needed to do to stay afloat and profitable. Offering new services such as Mobile Ticketing Solution is something the airline continues to do in spite of the economic problems of the world. Jet Airways is obviously moving ahead and plans to ride out this economic storm. Go ahead and use this ovarian tumor symptoms details to obtain probably the most out of your airlines experience.


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